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Can a Disk Herniate Again After Surgery

What Is Slipped Disc (Herniated Disc)?

Slipped Disc (Herniated Disc)

Treatment at home will likely include the application of hot or common cold packs, express activity (although strict bed rest is not generally brash), and over-the-counter hurting relievers.

Facts You Should Know Virtually Slipped Discs

  1. The discs are protective daze-absorbing pads between the bones of the spine (vertebrae). The absorber-like discs between the vertebrae of the spine are also referred to equally intervertebral discs. Although they do non actually "slip," a disc may bulge, split, or rupture. This can cause the disc cartilage and nearby tissue to fail (herniate), allowing the central gel portion of the disc to escape into the surrounding tissue. This protruding, jelly-like substance tin can place pressure on the spinal cord or on an adjacent nerve to cause symptoms of pain, numbness, or weakness either around the damaged herniated disc or anywhere along the expanse supplied by that nerve.
  2. Seek medical care for any back or neck pain that limits action, concluding for a few days, is accompanied by chest pain, abdominal pain, fever, loss of bladder control, numbness, or weakness.
  3. Treatment may incorporate the use of ice packs, physical therapy, massage, do, and sometimes surgical repair.

Many people experience no symptoms from a herniated disc, and the majority of people who take herniated discs do non demand surgery.

The layman'south termslipped disc is, therefore, a misnomer and actually refers to a condition whereby portions of an abnormal, injured, or degenerated disc have protruded against next nerve tissues. This status is besides known as a slipped disk, herniated disc, ruptured disc, or prolapsed disc. The nigh frequently affected area is in the low back, but any disc tin can rupture and become herniated, including those in the neck. The spinal nerves and spinal cord are vulnerable to disc herniation in the neck, middle dorsum, and depression back.

Cross-section (side view picture) of herniated disc between L4 and L5 (the forth and fifth lumbar vertebrae)

Cross-section (side view picture) of herniated disc between L4 and L5 (the fourth and 5th lumbar vertebrae)

Cross-section (vertical) of lumbar disc herniation into spinal canal

Cantankerous-section (vertical) of lumbar disc herniation into the spinal canal

What Are Causes and Gamble Factors of a Slipped Disc?

Risk factors that lead to a slipped disc include crumbling with associated degeneration and loss of elasticity of the discs and supporting structures; injury from improper lifting, specially if accompanied by twisting or turning; and excessive strain forces associated with physical activities. Sudden forceful astute trauma is an uncommon crusade of a slipped disc.

What Are Symptoms of a Slipped Disc?

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The nerves of the trunk exit the spine at each spinal level in the depression back, mid back, and neck. A herniated disc can produce symptoms anywhere along the course of that nervus, though the injury and irritation of the nerve are at the spine itself. (This is known as referred hurting, as the pain is "referred" from the source of the trouble in the spine to the area supplied by the affected nervus.) A slipped disc can produce varying degrees of pain in the dorsum or cervix forth with numbness or weakness in the respective organs, arms, or legs as follows:

  • For slipped discs in the neck: Neck symptoms and other associated symptoms include numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the shoulder, neck, arm, or hand. Symptoms of a herniated disc in the neck often increase or decrease with cervix motion.
  • For slipped discs in the lower dorsum, back symptoms include
    • Hurting down the dorsum of each leg from the buttocks to the knee or beyond (this is chosen sciatica, equally information technology affects the sciatic nerve)
    • Numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the buttocks, back, legs, or feet or all of these as in sciatica
    • Numbness and tingling effectually the anus or genitals
    • Pain with motility, straining, coughing, or doing leg raises
    • Difficulty decision-making bowel movements or bladder role


Back Pain: sixteen Back Pain Truths and Myths Run across Slideshow

When Should Someone Seek Medical Intendance for a Slipped Disc?

You should consult with your doctor for any neck or back pain significant plenty to limit activity, any dorsum pain that lasts more than a few days, or whatever neck or back hurting associated with numbness or weakness, loss of bladder or bowel control, fever, or abdominal or chest pain. The doctor may suggest an urgent office evaluation or may advise you to go to the infirmary'southward emergency department.

Whatever injury that may propose more pregnant back or neck bug, such every bit a fall from a height or a direct blow to the spine, should be evaluated at the hospital'due south emergency department. Consider calling 911 for an ambulance. Medical teams can immobilize the spine and protect against further damage.

You should also seek emergency evaluation if the pain or symptoms are severe enough to prevent you lot from walking, are associated with severe numbness or weakness of any extremity, are associated with loss of bowel or bladder command, or are associated symptoms non readily explained by the spine problem (such as fever, abdominal pain, or chest pain).

What Exams and Tests Practise Health Care Professionals Employ to Diagnose a Slipped Disc?

The dr. will take a complete medical history and perform a thorough physical examination with special accent on the neurologic examination.

  • This history volition include questions nigh other illnesses, prior spine problems, arthritis, injuries, duration and type of symptoms, and response to treatments. The examination includes a spine examination, testing of basic nervus functions, an intestinal examination, and a general screening.
  • Ofttimes no diagnostic tests are needed for adequate handling. In certain situations, imaging studies or laboratory tests of blood and urine may provide your doctor farther information necessary to establish a diagnosis. If needed at all, they may not be necessary immediately for a diagnosis. Sometimes they are ordered later if bones treatments fail to ameliorate your condition.
  • Imaging studies may include the post-obit:
    • Evidently X-rays (and even computerized axial tomography, CAT scans) cannot describe a prolapsed disc and can only identify bony abnormalities. These X-rays are best used to evaluate back pain that is from causes other than a prolapsed disc, such as bony deportation, tumor, or cleaved bone. Almost young or middle-aged people without a history to advise trauma or suspicion of a tumor are best served without the expense and radiation associated with obtaining these X-rays. In most cases, the bones seen on 10-ray are normal.
    • More specialized tests include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or myelogram (which involves injecting a contrast dye into the spinal column). These are ideal for diagnosing a plain-featured disc and how a specific nerve is affected. In the absence of signs or symptoms suggesting severe nerve damage, all the same, these studies are very rarely necessary early in the class of the evaluation. This is because of the fact that the findings rarely affect initial treatment decisions. Your doc may obtain these tests later a grade of treatment fails to provide you lot relief over a period of 4 to 6 weeks.
    • A bone scan can detect infection, healing fractures, or tumors. This exam is rarely ordered equally part of an emergency evaluation but may be part of a further evaluation to find the cause of your symptoms.

What Are Home Remedies for a Slipped Disc?

A minor slipped disc tin can be handled at abode in consultation with your medico, and many nonsurgical treatment options are bachelor. Treatment at home volition likely include awarding of hot or cold packs, limited activity (although strict bed rest is not generally advised), and over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), naproxen (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). As your condition improves, medical professionals may suggest specific neck or dorsum stretching or strengthening exercises.

Which Health Care Specialties Treat a Slipped Disc?

Physician specialties that evaluate and care for slipped disc range from generalists to subspecialists. These specialties include general medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, rheumatology, hurting management, and physiatry. Other health intendance providers for low dorsum hurting include physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, psychologists, and acupuncturists.

What Is the Treatment for a Slipped Disc?

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The physician often prescribes residue or limited activity for several days followed by gradual increment in activity over the next few weeks. Strict bed rest is generally not advised because people with back pain accept been shown to recover more apace with normal action while lifting, bending, and straining are express.

Treat with ice or cold packs early on subsequently an injury and switch to heat subsequently. Heat may be used early if the pain and symptoms are not acquired by a sudden injury.

Physical therapy, exercise, and massage tin be helpful if indicated (e'er cheque with your doctor before resuming whatsoever stressful activeness). Physical therapy can too be used to guide gradual activity and exercise afterward surgical repair of disc herniation.


Nearly everyone has low dorsum pain at some fourth dimension during their life. Encounter Reply

What Medications Treat a Slipped Disc?

Anti-inflammatory medications, such every bit ibuprofen (Motrin) and others, may be recommended. These can by and large be safely taken with acetaminophen (Tylenol) as home remedies for a slipped disc. Medicines to relax the surrounding muscle tightness and spasms are sometimes used (cyclobenzaprine, [Flexeril] or diazepam [Valium]). A brusk grade of a medical steroid (corticosteroids, similar to cortisone), such every bit prednisone, prednisolone, and methylprednisolone (Medrol), as well may be used. Injections of cortisone (Depo-Medrol, Kenalog) can help suppress the inflammation and therefore the associated pain. For pain relief, narcotic medication is sometimes added for a short flow of time.

Sometimes, drugs that treat "nerve pain" such every bit gabapentin (Neurontin), pregabalin (Lyrica), or tramadol (Ultram) can assistance relieve the pain.

Is Surgery an Choice for a Slipped Disc?

If the medical measures are not successful within a reasonable time (6 weeks or more), and the tests ostend a herniated disc equally the source of symptoms, a patient may need surgical repair. Except in extreme situations or in those who take a high potential for permanent nerve damage, surgery is not considered early. Cervix surgery and back surgery are serious procedures and considered under specific situations where unrelenting pain and hazard of permanent damage to nerve tissue exists. Often, time and bones spine care resolve virtually slipped disc symptoms without the need for operation. Several surgical options exist ranging from microdiscectomy to open surgical operations. Appropriate options of treatment must be individualized and depend on many underlying conditions, as well as the current nature of the spine. Your physician will refer you to a spine surgical specialist (an orthopedic or neurosurgeon) to discuss which option is all-time for you and what the likelihood of success will be.

What Follow-Up Is Needed for a Slipped Disc?

Follow your instructions carefully and do non overexert yourself too soon. Your initial treatment plan may need to exist extended or modified based on your response.

Is It Possible to Prevent a Slipped Disc?

  • Regular do tin can improve the overall strength and tone of the supporting muscles and structures. Low back exercises are especially important to prevent recurrent back injury.
  • Use proper techniques while performing strenuous practice and strenuous work, including lifting. Lifting should exist done with the legs performing the work, not the back. The worst possible combination of activities for your spine is heavy lifting while bending and twisting simultaneously.
  • Use of a spine brace during heavy lifting may be advised. Its proper utilise is to continue your dorsum straight and encourage proper lifting technique. It should not be used equally a substitute for proper technique or to encourage you to exceed safe lifting limits.
  • If the patient is overweight, losing weight tin help decrease the back pain.

What Is the Prognosis of a Slipped Disc?

The vast majority of disc issues improve without any surgical intervention. Well-nigh people are able to return to normal function (with emphasis on protecting the spine from recurrent or new injury) inside a curt time. Information technology is not unusual for similar symptoms to render in the future, however. Therefore, long-term maintenance practice regimens are recommended for prevention of reinjuring a slipped disc.

From WebMD Logo

Herniated discs are a common cause of back pain.

Causes of Dorsum Pain

Nerve root syndromes are those that produce symptoms of nerve impingement (a nerve is directly irritated), often due to a herniation (or jutting) of the disc betwixt the lower back basic. Sciatica is an instance of nerve root impingement. Impingement pain tends to be sharp, affecting a specific area, and associated with numbness in the area of the leg that the affected nerve supplies.

  • Herniated discs develop as the spinal discs degenerate or grow thinner. The jellylike fundamental portion of the disc bulges out of the central crenel and pushes against a nerve root. Intervertebral discs begin to degenerate by the third decade of life. Herniated discs are found in one-third of adults older than 20 years of age. Only 3% of these, however, produce symptoms of nervus impingement.

Reviewed on ix/11/2020


Firestein, Gary S., et al. Kelley and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology, two-Volume Set up, 10th Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2017.

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  • Slipped Disk - Symptoms

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